I am a screaming fool, inside my own head,
tearing down the rest of my sanity.
My confidence is cracking,
and the feeling of a strong heart,disapeard a long time ago.
So here i am, a child tumbeling down in dark caves,
falling from one black hole to another.
Nothing is solid, and nobody is thrustworthy,
everybody turns there back at you.
The schoulder you neded so desperatly, just dissapered.
So LOOK at your self, and what do you see??
There is only,... YOU.
Thats lonelienes to the end.
Like you came to this wold , you shall go,......ALONE.
4 kommentarer:
A lonely person has a closed heart. Open your heart to others and you will not feel lonely.
What a lot of BS!!!!!! Why do you think I´m dissapointed and lonley?
Because I did just that!!!!!
(BIG SIGH!!!!)
Dear lonely person...if you expect something back from others you don't give from an open heart and therefore your heart shuts down and depression kicks in.
An open heart just gives without expectations, and when you give you receive. Because when you have an open heart for others you'll fill your heart with love and joy, and this love and joy fills your needs at the same time...from yourself to yourself.
In this way you become a source of joy & love for others and for yourself.
Did´nt you understand what i said? I have been living all my life whith a opend and werry much so giving life filosofi, but it´s not the way it goes this days.
People seams to think that if you gives of your selfes,and have your heart open, you´r a sucker and they use you instead.
That´s a FAKT.
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